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Liskov and type safety

I've been fascinated by type systems in programming languages for a while now. Recently, something clicked for me about inheritance and types.

Not only did it clarify type variance, I also understood what the Liskov substitution principle actually is about. Today, I'm going to share these insights with you.

# Prerequisites

I'll be writing pseudo code to make clear what I'm talking about. So let's make sure you know what the syntax of this pseudo code will be.

A function is defined like so.

foo(T) : void

bar(S) : T

First comes the function name, second the argument list with types as parameters, and finally the return type. When a function returns nothing, it's indicated as void.

A function can extend — overwrite — another function, as can types. Inheritance is defined like so.

bar > baz(S) : T

T > S

In this example, baz extends bar, and S is a subtype of T. The last step is being able to invoke the function, which is done like so.


a = bar(S)

Once again: it's all pseudo code and I'll use it to show what types are, how they can and cannot be defined in combination with inheritance, and how this results in type-safe systems.

# Liskov substitution principle

Let's look at the official definition of the LSP.

If S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S

Instead of using S and T, I'll be using more concrete types in my examples.

Organism > Animal > Cat

These are the three types we'll be working with. Liskov tells us that wherever objects of type Organism appear in our code, they must be replaceable by subtypes like Animal or Cat.

Let's say there's a function used to feed an Organism.

feed(Organism) : void

It must be possible to call it like so:


Try to think of function definition as a contract, a promise; for the programmer to be used. The contract states:

Given an object of the type Organism, I'll be able to execute and feed that Organism.

Because Animal and Cat are subtypes of Organism, the LSP states that this function should also work when one of these subtypes are used.

This brings us to one of the key properties of inheritance. If Liskov states that objects of type Organism must be replaceable by objects of type Animal, it means that Animal may not change the expectations we have of Organism. Animal may extend Organism, meaning it may add functionality, but Animal may not change the certainties given by Organism.

This is where many OO programmers make mistakes. They see inheritance more like "re-using parts of the parent type, and overriding other parts in the sub-type", rather than extending the behaviour defined by its parent. This is what the LSP guards against.

# Benefits of the LSP

Before exploring the details of type safety with inheritance, we should stop and ask ourselves what's to gain by following this principle. I've explained what Barbara Liskov meant when she defined it, but why is it necessary? Is it bad to break it?

I mentioned the idea of a "promise" or "contract". If a function or type makes a promise about what it can do, we should be able to blindly trust it. If we can't rely on function feed being able to feed all Organisms, there's a piece of undocumented behaviour in our code.

If we know that the LSP is respected, there's a level of security. We may trust that this function will do the thing we expect; even without looking at the implementation of that function. When the contract is breached, however; there's a chance of runtime errors that both the programmer and the compiler could not –or did not– anticipate for.

In the above examples, we looked at respecting the LSP form the developer's point of view. There's another party involved though: a language's type system. A language can be designed in a type-safe way or not. Types are the building blocks to mathematically proof whether a function will do the thing you want it to do.

So, next up; we're going to look at the other side: type-safety on the language level.

# Type safety

To understand how type safety can –or cannot– be guaranteed by a language, let's look at these functions.

take_care(Animal) : void

take_care > feed(Animal) : void

As you can see, feed extends take_care and follows its parent signature one-to-one. Some programming languages don't allow children to change the type signature of their parent. This is called type invariance.

It's the easiest approach to handle type safety with inheritance, as types are not allowed to vary when inheriting.

But when you think back at how our example types are related to each other, we know that Cat extends Animal. Let's see whether the following is possible.

take_care(Animal) : void

take_care > feed(Cat) : void

The LSP only defines rules about objects, so on first sight, the function definition itself doesn't break any rules. The real question is: does this function allow for proper use of the LSP when it's called?

We know that feed extends from take_care, and thus provides at least the same contract as its parent. We also know that take_care allows Animal and its sub-types to be used. So feed should also be able to take an Animal type.


// Type error

Unfortunately, this is not the case. There's a type error occurring. Can you see what we're doing here? Instead of applying the LSP only to the parameters of a function, we're also applying the same principles to the function itself.

Wherever an invocation of take_care is used, we must be able to replace it with an invocation of feed.

This especially makes sense in an OO language where a function is no standalone entity in your code, but rather part of a class, which represents a type itself.

To keep a system type-safe, it may not allow children to make the parameter types more specific. This breaks the promises given by the parent.

However, take a look at the following definition:

take_care(Animal) : void

take_care > feed(Organism) : void

Does this definition ensures type safety? It may seem backwards at first, but it does. feed still follows the contract specified by take_care. It can take Animal as an argument, and work just fine.

In this case, feed widens the parameter types allowed, while still respecting the parent's contract. This is called contravariance. Types in argument lists should be contravariant for a type system to be safe.

# Return type variance

Moving on to return types. There are a few more types we'll have to define, in order for the examples to make sense. I'm sorry in advance for the choice of words!

Excretion > Poop

And these are the functions we're working with.

take_care(Animal) : Excretion

take_care > feed(Animal) : Poop

The question now: is the overridden return type safe? In contrast to the contravariance for the argument list, this example actually is type safe!

The parent definition take_care tells us that this function will always return an object of type Excretion.

excretion = take_care(Animal)

excretion = feed(Animal)

Because Poop is a subtype of Excretion, we can be a 100% sure that whatever feed returns, it will be within the category of Excretion.

You see the opposite rule applies for return types compared to function parameters. In the case of return types, we're calling it covariance, or covariant types.

# Real-life impact

There' no guarantee that a type-safe language will always write a bug-free program. We've seen that the language design only carries half the responsibility of respecting the LSP. The other half is the programmer's task.

Languages differ though, all have their own type system, and each will have a different level of type safety.

Eiffel, for example, allows for parameter covariance. By now you know this means there's an area of wrong behaviour possible that's undetectable by the compiler. Hence there's the possibility of runtime errors.

PHP allows for constructors of child classes to have another signature, while keeping an invariant type system for all other functions. As with many things PHP, this inconsistency increases the confusion for developers.

Some languages like Java, C# and Rust have a concept that I didn't cover today: generics. Type variance also plays a big role there. That topic is out of scope for this blog post, but I might cover it in the future.

With all these differences, there's one thing to keep in mind. The safety of a type system doesn't mean a language is better or worse. I think it's fair to say that some cases would benefit from a very strong type system, while others need the exact opposite. The key takeaway is that every programmer should learn more than just the concepts and paradigms of the languages they are used to the most. A broadened view will be beneficial, now and in the future.

So what's your opinion on type safety? If you're up for it, I'd love to talk about it even more: you can reach me on Twitter or e-mail.